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All Sessions

1.0 Definitions


“DB Football Coaching, we, our, us” means the company, DB Football Coaching who you are/have entered/are entering into an agreement with.

“Responsible adult or you” means the adult booking a session, paying for the session, attending a session (whole or part of), or being named as a child’s main contact on our booking system.

“Coach” means the person who is delivering the coaching session, who is employed by DB Football Coaching.

“Child” means the child being booked on to a session, attending a session, or who has attended a session with DB Football Coaching.

“Session, Course, Class” means the session/course a child is booked on to or is attending.

“Fees” means the cost of the session(s), course(s) a child is booked onto, wanting to book on to or are enquiring about.

“Venue” means the location of the session.

“Terms” means the Terms and Conditions that are set out in this agreement for which you are entering into with DB Football Coaching.



2.0 Accepting Terms and Conditions


2.1 If you would like to contact us, you can do so by email at


2.2 Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you use or access our services/website. By using our website, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms when making your booking, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms and Conditions, and our Privacy Policy. If you do not want to agree to these Terms, and our Privacy Policy, you must not access the website or any of our service. Our most current Terms and Conditions will always be available to view on the footer of our website and a link to it will always be made available to you when making a new booking. The last updated date of the Terms will always be available at the top of this document. These Terms supersedes any previous Terms or Agreement between us. No variations of these shall be binding unless agreed with DB Football Coaching in writing.



3.0 Eligibility


3.1 DB Football Coaching welcomes both boys and girls in our sessions who are aged between 5-16 years. If you would like to book a session for a child outside of this age range, please contact us at Acceptance onto our sessions will be at our discretion.


3.2 From time to time, we may change our age criteria as we add on or remove courses. The most up to date information on this will always be found on our website within the description details for each individual class on the booking page. We reserve the right to make these changes at any point in time.



4.0 Bookings


4.1 All sessions are subject to availability. Please ensure early booking to avoid disappointment as we limit our class numbers to ensure correct staff to children ratio.


4.3 In the event that you are having difficulties in making an online booking, please contact us at We will be able to collect key data about you and the child you are making a booking for. We will then make a manual provisional booking on your behalf. A payment request will be sent to you. Your booking will be only be a confirmed booking once your payment has been received by us. A manual booking taken by us and your subsequent payment indicates acceptance of our Terms.


4.4 Please ensure you check the dates of your sessions, including start and end dates, the venue and number of sessions you are booking for when booking. Any errors or requests for changes to this should be emailed to us at with 24 hours of the booking being made. If your child is not on the session register for the day, they will not be able to attend their session. This is to ensure we have the correct staff to child ratio.



5.0 Payment


5.1 All sessions require payment upon booking to confirm the place at the session. Your session will be provisional until this payment is received. This applies to all manual bookings. Admission onto the session will not be possible without prior payment.


5.2 All payments are to be made online and in advance of the session. Payments in cash on the day of the session will not be permitted. Once a payment has been received, your child will be on our session register. We will not be able to accept children onto a session if they are not on the session register for that given session.


5.3 We reserve the right to amend the cost of our sessions at any time. The cost of any existing bookings will always remain unchanged.



6.0 Cancellations and changes


6.1 All available sessions, session times, and session prices can be viewed on our Social Media Pages. Details relating to this are correct at the time of publishing. Any changes to venue, times, prices or coaches will be communicated to you via either the email or phone number as soon as possible. DB Football Coaching will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from any changes or cancellations. Where possible, we will try to keep the coaches for each class the same every week to ensure continuity, however, this is not always possible due to staffing, illness, and leave. This will not affect the quality of your sessions.


6.2 In the event that we need to cancel our classes for reasons outside of the control of DB Football Coaching including (but not limited to) extreme weather, health and safety, infectious disease, terrorist activity, fire, industrial dispute, no refunds will be offered. In this instance, a credit towards a future class will apply.


6.3 If we need to cancel a term or remaining term due to Covid-19 or similar infectious diseases, refunds will not be offered. The remaining term will restart when it is safe to do so. Any missed sessions will be carried forward. The children are expected to restart at this time. If they are unable to restart on medical grounds, our terms regarding refunds on medical grounds apply.


6.4 We reserve the right to cancel any sessions due to insufficient numbers. If we need to cancel a session due to this, we will offer you an alternate date and time or credit towards a future session. DB Football Coaching will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from any changes or cancellations.



7.0 Attendance and Refunds


7.1 Our sessions are staffed according to expected numbers of children. This is based on our registers for the week. It is in the child’s best interests to regularly attend sessions they are booked on to. No refunds will be issued for missed sessions with or without notice given.  We are unable to fill the odd missed lesson with another paid booking. Any changes to these Terms are at the discretion of DB Football Coaching and may only occur on receipt of a medical certificate or other formal evidence. Any unexpected and long terms medical concerns that prevent attendance will require a medical certificate.



8.0 Responsibilities and Expectations


8.1 It is an expectation that all participants in our sessions and any spectators follow the instructions of coaches and DB Football Coaching staff.


8.2 Siblings may spectate during the sessions however it is accepted that they are under the care of the responsible adult and not DB Football Coaching. Siblings (unless enrolled onto the same session) are not permitted to participate in the session or use any of our equipment.


8.3 All children including siblings (enrolled onto a session or not) should be supervised by the responsible adult prior to start time of their session and immediately following their session.


8.4 Spectators to ensure food or drink is not consumed on site at our venues and any litter is taken away for disposal.



9.0 Discipline and Inappropriate Behaviour


9.1 At DB Football Coaching, we promote respectful behaviour towards all those around us. All children and spectators are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards other children, spectators and coaches. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, and DB Football Coaching coaches and staff reserve the right to request that the child or person in question may sit out of the session for a period of time, be asked to leave the particular session or the term in its entirety for any period of time that we see as appropriate. Unacceptable behaviour may include, but is not limited to, damage to property, disruptive behaviour, verbal or physical abuse or aggression. If a child is excluded for these reasons, DB Football Coaching is not obligated to provide a refund for missed sessions (either whole or part of).



10.0 Arrival and Departure


10.1 All children to arrive dressed in weather appropriate clothing, with shin pads, moulded football boots or astro turf trainers, a water bottle and wearing sunscreen if appropriate.


10.2 The responsible adult for all children who are enrolled onto the session for the day and time they are attending need to ensure the child is marked off the attendance register as they enter and leave the venue. Please ensure you remind your child do this if you are dropping and going. This is to ensure that in the event of an emergency we are fully aware of who should be present. Should a child need to leave a session early, the responsible adult needs to make a member of staff aware they are leaving early and the child is marked off the register.


10.3 It is expected that children booked onto a session arrive on time for the session start time to ensure we can start in a timely manner and also so that they can complete an appropriate warm up exercise at the beginning of the class. Ideally, if they can arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time that would be helpful.


10.4 All children should be picked up on time at the end of their session. We reserve the right to charge a late collection fee for any child who is picked up any later than 5 minutes from their finish time. The responsible adult should ensure that if they are dropping off to collect later that they arrive in a timely fashion and allow time for parking and walking to the venue.



11.0 Insurance


11.1 DB Football Coaching has both Public Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity cover.



12.0 Damages, injuries, loss of possessions


12.1 Spectators and children are responsible for their personal belongings. DB Football Coaching will not be held responsible for damages, injuries or loss of possessions. We strongly recommend that valuables such as mobile phones are not brought along to sessions. Please remember to take any items of clothing, water bottles, bags with you at the end of each session. In the event that you do have a missing item, please email to see if we can locate it for you. If we do find any lost property, it will be held in the lost property bag for a period of 4 weeks only. We cannot be held responsible for any items in the bag that go missing within this time.


12.2 Spectators are not permitted onto the training area during a session due to a risk of injury. It is the spectators responsibility to ensure they keep a safe distance away from the training area and remain vigilant for any stray balls or other equipment that could be a hazard. We cannot be held responsible for any injury caused by spectators not keeping a safe distance away from our training sessions.



15.0 Safeguarding and Health and Safety


15.1 DB Football Coaching takes safeguarding seriously. We have a responsibility to report any safeguarding concerns to the appropriate services.


15.2 It is a requirement of these Terms that the responsible adult making the booking ensures that their contact details are up to date at all times as these will be used as emergency contact details in the event that you need to be contacted in an emergency. In addition, it is also your responsibility to ensure all information regarding the child’s medical history is up to date when making a booking. If their medical status changes whilst they are enrolled on the course, please email to inform us so that we can update the record.


15.3 It is the responsible adults duty to ensure any child attending a session is fit and able to do so. If we deem that a child should not be participating in a session for health and safety reasons such as but not limited to an existing injury, we reserve the right to request that they sit out or leave the session (as appropriate). No refunds will be offered in this instance. Any health concerns that may affect a child’s ability to participate in a session should be raised with a GP or medical professional before they child participates in an activity with us.


15.4 Our venues are risk assessed prior to booking. If you have any concerns regarding a venue that you wish to raise, please email us at In the event of an emergency, we have emergency procedures in place. Please remind your child to pay close attention to the coaches instructions should an emergency arise. 



16.0 Photography and Video filming


16.1 We take photographs and videos of the children during our sessions to promote our activities on social media and our website. During the booking process, there is a tick box to give permission for this. Please ensure you specify whether or not you are happy for photos or videos to be taken during the booking process so that we can ensure only children who we have permission to record are on our social media channels and website. This is to ensure we adhere to any safeguarding concerns in addition to the wishes of the responsible adult. This information appears on our class registers for the day, so that coaches are fully aware if permission has not been given.


16.2 We request that spectators do not take any personal photos and videos to ensure the safety of any vulnerable children. If any spectators have any concerns around this, they can speak to a coach on the day or email us at



17.0 Complaints Procedure


17.1 We aim to ensure that you and your child have a great experience during your time with us. However, should you have a complaint or issue that you would like to raise, please email us at We will aim to resolve any issues as soon as possible.



18.0 Exclusion of liability


You may not transfer these Terms to another party without prior written consent by us. The agreement to these Terms remains a contract between yourself and us. No other party has any right to enforce a claim under these terms. No waiver of these Terms to you shall be effective unless it is clearly stated to that effect in writing to you.


18.1 DB Football Coaching reserve the right to transfer these Terms or parts of the Terms to another party or organisation. In the event of this being the case, these Terms will be updated to reflect this.


18.2 The failure to enforce any of the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions by either party will not be a waiver to them.


18.3 Any claim against DB Football Coaching must be raised within 28 days of the event arising. DB Football Coaching maximum liability to you is equivalent in value to the booking fee of your session.


These Terms supersedes any previous Terms you have with us. We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time. If you are already booked on a course with us, the updated Terms will be emailed to you and can always be found on our website.


19.1 We are not liable for failure to deliver a service or for delayed delivery of service for any reasons that are outside of our reasonable control such as but not limited to epidemics, extreme weather events, political events.


19.2 All details on our promotional materials, social media channels and website are correct at the time of publishing. Errors do at times occur, we reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions at any time without prior notice. We do not accept any liability due to any errors.


19.3 If any of these Terms and Conditions are determined by an authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, that term or condition will be severed from the remaining Terms and Conditions. The remaining terms and conditions will continue to be valid as permitted by Law.

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